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Season 1

Episode 1


01 March 2022


Name of Episode

A Whole New Whirled

First Aired

13 January 2022

Here comes Eagly!

as a Comic Book lover I'm not quite sure what I feel or think about this series! On one hand I really, really liked what I was watching, but on the other hand I'm really concerned with all the sexual innuendos and and I know I sound a prude when I say this but, all the bare flesh that was in show... mostly John Cena's!

What I will say though, is that the opening credits may actually be THE best ever opening credits I have ever seen for a TV show! The cast must have had one HELL of fun time working on those dance moves.

Seriously though, did we really have to see The Peacemaker, Jon Cena in his underwear like we did, not to mention he wasn't even wearing a cup... you could more or less see everything and I mean everything jiggling around up front... WHY... just, WHY? Could they not have at least had him wear a pair of shorts!

I'm guessing James Gunn, in his 'infinite wisdom' wanted to make some kind of reference to Chris Smith being some kind of a nerdy character and what better reference than putting him in a pair 'tighty whities'. I suppose it's a carry over from Peacemakers appearance in The Suicide Squad movie.

It's not just the bare flesh though... it's all the profanity's that's used, from the 'F' word that's constantly used to every other expletive you can thinks of, well except for the 'C' word... Is it really needed?

None of what I've just mentioned was in the 'Guardians of the Galaxy' films, so why is it included in this series?

Like I said earlier maybe I'm just being a prude, but I just really don't think it's needed!

Right, now I've got that out of my system... I will say this... other what I've just complained about, I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed this first episode and I'm really looking forward to watching where this series takes us.

I thought it was great that the first episode literally picked up where The Suicide Squad finished and I liked how they went straight in with a 'catch up' from the actual film.

I was never a Peacemaker fan in the comics, I just never understood who he was and thought his costume was stupid and the helmet he wears just ludicrous! Maybe that was the point, to make him as ludicrous as possible.

However, John Cena portrays him perfectly...  I have to say though, I really wish Warner Brother had given him the chance to play much more of an 'A' list character... gotta say, I think he would have made a great Green Lantern.

There's one character that I really think stole the show, and that's his 'sidekick' Eagly! He's awesome and I have a feeling that as the series plays out, he's going to be the publics favourite! I want an EAGLY lol!

Loved Chukwudi Iwuji's character Clemson Murn, he's such a great actor and seems to command the room every time he's on screen.

So, to 're-cap' I really enjoyed this first episode but just didn't like all the profanity's and bare flesh that was displayed but I'm really looking forward to how the series gathers speed and where it takes us... I just hope this not the direction of how everything James Gunn writes or directs for DC will follow.

Published in the DC TV Shows articles

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